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Varicose Vein Removal: What You Should Know


Do you have large unsightly veins at the back of your calves? If so, you should get them removed. These large, unsightly veins are known as varicose or spider veins. The veins are usually discolored and may be itchy. Scratching them for long periods of time can leave you with open sores, which will make it easier for various skin or blood diseases to develop. You can find the best vein clinic here. 


Varicose veins measure approximately 3 millimeters in diameter. The exact cause of the development of the veins is not known but there are a few widely accepted theories. One of the theories that makes sense is being overweight. When you are overweight, the excess weight on the abdomen can be passed down to the calves when you stand for long periods of time. As a result, the veins carrying the blood from the legs to the heard can be strained and rapture. Read more great facts on Spider vein treatment, click here. 


The blood usually circulates from various parts of the body to the heart to get oxygenated. When the blood is moving to the heart, it passes valves that prevent it from going back to where it is coming from when it's not oxygenated. When you are overweight, the excess abdomen weight can make the valves become weak or break. As a result, the blood that was going to the heart may leak back to the legs when it's not yet oxygenated. This leaked blood can cause pools on the calves and becomes discolored. It is this blood that leaks back to the calves that leads to formation of varicose veins.

Apart from being overweight, studies have shown that spider veins are more common in women than men. Moreover, people over the age of 50 are more likely to suffer from the condition.


How to Treat Varicose Veins

There are a number of treatment options you can go for when you have varicose veins. The condition of your varicose veins should help you know the best treatment option. Before starting any treatment, it is important to get advice from your doctor. 


You can either go for natural treatments or get the varicose veins removed through surgery. There are a number of herbs that are known to ease the condition. Moreover, you can also try homeopathic treatments. However, these treatments are known to be effective only when the spider veins have not enlarged too much. If your veins are too large, they may have to be removed surgically.


The above is an overview of the causes and treatment of varicose veins. Please view this site for further details. 

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